Acronym | Definition |
TIG | Tungsten Inert Gas (Welding) |
TIG | Takingitglobal |
TIG | Travail d'Intérêt Général (community service) |
TIG | Topical Interest Group |
TIG | Technology Implementation Group |
TIG | Time In Grade |
TIG | Trends in Genetics (journal) |
TIG | Tetanus Immune Globulin |
TIG | Technology Integration Group |
TIG | The Inspector General |
TIG | Trust In God |
TIG | Technology Implementation Group (AASHTO) |
TIG | The Imperial Guards (gaming guild) |
TIG | The Internet Guide (course) |
TIG | The Image Group (various organizations) |
TIG | Topten International Group (France) |
TIG | The Initiative Group (various locations) |
TIG | Technical Interest Groups |
TIG | Technology Initiative Grant (Legal Services Corporation) |
TIG | Time of Ignition |
TIG | Technology Infusion Guideline |
TIG | Terminal Internet Gateway |
TIG | Technology Initiatives Game |
TIG | Tonight Is Goodbye (band) |
TIG | Task Interaction Graph |
TIG | Transmission Identification Generator |
TIG | Technology Innovation Group, Inc |
TIG | Theater Information Grid |
TIG | Tactical Intelligence Group |
TIG | Tax on Industrialized Goods |
TIG | Técnica Industrial Guatemalteca (Spanish: Guatemalan Industrial Technics; Guatemala) |