TIGERTransportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (US DOT)
TIGERTopologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing
TIGERTailored Interactive Guidance on Employment Rights (UK)
TIGERTerrestrial Initiative in Global Environmental Research
TIGERTasman International Geospace Environment Radar
TIGERTransient Ionospheric Glow Emission in Red
TIGERThermospheric/Ionospheric Geospheric Research
TIGERTransport Integration in the Gwent Economic Region
TIGERTriangulation Identification Genetic Evaluation of Biological Risks
TIGERTopologically Integrated Geographic Encoding & Referencing system (US Census Bureau mapping system)
TIGERTotal Information Gateway for Enterprise Resources (USMC knowledge management system)
TIGERThe Internet Gateway and E-Mail Router
TIGERTactical Integrated Geographic Environment
TIGERTaiwan Innovating Growth Entrepreneurs (stock market)
TIGERTiscali International Global Emergency Response
TIGERTactical Intelligence Generation and Evaluation Relay
TIGERTestability Insertion and Guidance Expert for RASSP
TIGERTactical Intelligence Gathering Exploitation Relay
TIGERTDL Integration Exerciser
TIGERTexas Industrial Gas & Equipment Rental, Inc (Humble, TX)