Acronym | Definition |
TRACS | Traction Control System |
TRACS | Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools |
TRACS | Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (HUD) |
TRACS | Traffic and Criminal Software |
TRACS | Traction Control System (Volvo) |
TRACS | Texas Review and Comment System |
TRACS | Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (US DOT) |
TRACS | The Responsible Animal Care Society (Westbank, British Columbia, Canada) |
TRACS | Travel Adventure Cinema Society |
TRACS | Teaching, Research, and Collaboration System (open-source course management system) |
TRACS | Traffic Speed Condition Survey (UK) |
TRACS | Terminal Radar and Control System (Air Traffic Control System used by Canadian Forces) |
TRACS | Tool for Rapid Advanced Cockpit Simulation |
TRACS | Transportable Range Augmentation and Control System |
TRACS | Training Control System |
TRACS | Tracking Resource Allocation Cognitive Strategies (MIT) |
TRACS | Total Risk Assessment and Control System |
TRACS | Trends in Atmospheric Constituents Study |
TRACS | Terminal Roadway and Curbside Simulation (airport models) |
TRACS | Transportation Requirements and Capabilities Simulation Model |
TRACS | Transportable Radar and Communications Simulator (ATK Electronic Warfare Systems) |
TRACS | Treasury Receivable Accounting & Collection System |
TRACS | Theater Replacement Accountability System |