Acronym | Definition |
UG | Undergraduate |
UG | User Group |
UG | Underground |
UG | Ultimate-Guitar (Guitar tablatures website) |
UG | |
UG | Upgraded |
UG | University of Ghana |
UG | Unternehmergesellschaft (German: Entrepreneurial Company) |
UG | Uganda |
UG | User's Guide |
UG | Unigraphics (Finite Element Analysis Software by Unigraphics Solutions). |
UG | Untergeschoss (German: basement) |
UG | University of Georgia |
UG | Upper Gastrointestinal |
UG | University of Guyana |
UG | Use Google |
UG | Ungraded |
UG | Universal Grammar |
UG | Urogenital |
UG | Microgram (µg is more correct) |
UG | Undergrowth |
UG | Uncle Grandpa |
UG | United-Guardian Inc (pharmaceutical manufacturer) |
UG | United Group (aka UGOC: United Group of Companies) |
UG | Urban Grower (online video series) |
UG | Uighur (ISO language code, aka: UIG) |
UG | Uniglide (Shimano Chain and Cogs) |
UG | Universal Gravitational constant |
UG | Ugly Girl |
UG | Universal Gateway (computer protocol) |
UG | Universiteit Gent (Dutch: Ghent University; Ghent, Belgium) |
UG | Unfilled Grain |
UG | United States to Mediterranean (routing designation; US Navy) |
UG | U Grade (paper) |
UG | Unmanned Gear (Metal Gear video game series) |
UG | Unreal Gold (game) |
UG | Underpass Gang (Unofficial New Orleans Saints Fan Club) |
UG | Utricularia Graminifolia (carnivorous plant) |
UG | Unemotional Growth |
UG | Union Gramme (French; Belgian engineering group) |
UG | Upper Garage |
UG | Untouchable Gangsters (gaming clan) |
UG | Geometrical Unsharpness |
UG | Undefined Gaming |