Acronym | Definition |
TCD | Trinity College Dublin |
TCD | The College Dropout (Kanye West) |
TCD | Chad (ISO Country code) |
TCD | Transcranial Doppler |
TCD | Temperature Control Device |
TCD | Thermal Conductivity Detector |
TCD | Telephony Channel Descriptor |
TCD | Telephony Call Dispatcher |
TCD | Travel City Direct (various locations) |
TCD | Town Center District (various locations) |
TCD | Technical College Diploma (various locations) |
TCD | Transport Control Department (Bermuda) |
TCD | True Crime Daily (show) |
TCD | Traffic Control Device |
TCD | ThirdCoast Digest (website) |
TCD | Transform Columbus Day (advocacy) |
TCD | Tourism Community Development (South Africa) |
TCD | Tropical Conservation and Development |
TCD | Transport de Chalands de Débarquement (French: Landing Ship Dock; French Navy) |
TCD | Town Called Dobson (editorial cartoon) |
TCD | Tropical Cyclone Discussion |
TCD | Tactical Communications Division |
TCD | Teller Cash Dispenser |
TCD | Target Completion Date |
TCD | Total Child Development (childcare) |
TCD | Tons of Cane per Day (sugar cane industry) |
TCD | Test Completion Date (software) |
TCD | Tapetochoroidal Dystrophy |
TCD | Total Cost of Deployment |
TCD | Theoretical Climate Dynamics |
TCD | Time Code Display |
TCD | Total Control Dominator (automotive marketing software) |
TCD | The Cat's Dead |
TCD | Temperature Coefficients of Delay |
TCD | Target Configuration Date |
TCD | Tanzania Centre for Democracy (est. 2005) |
TCD | Traffic Class Dependent |
TCD | Time Compliance Data |
TCD | Time/Code Distribution |
TCD | Target Center Display |
TCD | Terminal Control Device |
TCD | Time Compliance Directive |
TCD | Turbo-Code Decoding |
TCD | Technical Change Directive |
TCD | The Conservative Deflator |
TCD | Technical Concept Demonstration |
TCD | Technology Cutoff Date |
TCD | Target Centered Display |
TCD | Tentative Classification of Defects |
TCD | Temporary Call Divert |
TCD | Trade Credit Distribution |
TCD | Transient Current Distribution |
TCD | Tilly's Custom Design (Phoenix, AZ) |
TCD | The Captain's Deck (Tampa Bay Buccaneers fansite) |
TCD | Type Commander Deviation |
TCD | Test Criteria Document |
TCD | Départment de la Coopération Technique (French) |
TCD | Turning Circle Diameter (automotive design parameter) |
TCD | Tribal Center for Development (Philippines) |
TCD | Technical Consulting & Development (National Institutes of Health) |
TCD | Training Control Device |
TCD | Thermochromic Display |