Acronym | Definition |
TCDI | Turbo Common Rail Diesel Injection |
TCDI | Transportation and Community Development Initiative |
TCDI | Target Collimator Dump Injection (European Organization for Nuclear Research; Switzerland) |
TCDI | Transcranial Color Doppler Imaging |
TCDI | Traffic Control Device Inventory |
TCDI | Tourism Capacity Development Initiative (Ghana) |
TCDI | The Concrete Doctor, Inc. |
TCDI | Turbo Charged Common Rail Direct Injection (General Motors engine technology) |
TCDI | Technology Concepts and Design, Incorporated |
TCDI | 1,1'-Thiocarbonyl Diimidazole |
TCDI | Tullow Community Development Initiative (Ireland) |
TCDI | The Computer Department, Inc. |
TCDI | The Cat Dragged Inn (web forum) |
TCDI | Thematic Coding of Dyadic Interactions |
TCDI | The Camp Doctor Inc. (Richmond, VA) |
TCDI | The Child Development Institute (Clifton, NJ) |
TCDI | Travel Card Directory |
TCDI | Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland |
TCDI | Trans-Cranial Doppler Imaging |
TCDI | Traffic Control Database Inventory |