Acronym | Definition |
TCE | The Canadian Encyclopedia |
TCE | Tri-County Electric (various locations) |
TCE | Trichloroethylene (CAS Number 79-01-6) |
TCE | Tax Counseling for the Elderly |
TCE | Tetrachloroethylene |
TCE | Trichloroethane |
TCE | Traité Constitutionnel Européen (French: European Constitutional Treaty) |
TCE | Time Charter Equivalent (oil tankers' pricing units) |
TCE | Tangible Common Equity (Financial Ratio) |
TCE | The California Endowment (Los Angeles, CA; est. 1996) |
TCE | Third Color Experiment |
TCE | Transit Connection Element |
TCE | Transcoding Equipment |
TCE | Tightly Coupled Event |
TCE | Timing Chain End |
TCE | Traffic Capture Engine |
TCE | Turbo Control Efficiency |
TCE | Texas Cooperative Extension |
TCE | Total Customer Experience |
TCE | Transaction Cost Economics |
TCE | Testing Center of Excellence (software development) |
TCE | True Combat Elite (gaming) |
TCE | Thomson Consumer Electronics |
TCE | Thermal Coefficient of Expansion |
TCE | The Chemical Engineer (journal of the Institute of Chemical Engineers) |
TCE | Temperature Control Element (medical equipment) |
TCE | Tous Corps d'Etat |
TCE | The Chemistry Experiment (band; UK) |
TCE | Technical Continuing Education |
TCE | Temporary Construction Easement |
TCE | The Common Enterprise (San Antonio, TX) |
TCE | Tokyo College of Environment (Tokyo, Japan) |
TCE | Temperature Coefficient of Expansion |
TCE | Threshold-Crossing Event (US NASA) |
TCE | Traditional Cultural Expression |
TCE | Tonne of Coal Equivalent |
TCE | Techno-Classica Essen (German car show) |
TCE | Treasury Communications Enterprise |
TCE | The Creative Exchange |
TCE | Thermal Canister Experiment (US NASA) |
TCE | Trichlorothylene |
TCE | Thermal Control Electronics |
TCE | Training Center Evaluator |
TCE | Technical Computing Environment |
TCE | Telecommand Encoder |
TCE | Tray Carton Equivalent (18kg box of fresh fruit) |
TCE | Trinity Church Eindhoven (Netherlands) |
TCE | Terre Ciel Energies (French: Earth Sky Energy; France) |
TCE | Transcoder Equipment |
TCE | Traditional Church of England |
TCE | Terminal Control Equipment |
TCE | Thermal Conditioning Electronics |
TCE | Translation Candidate Evaluation (part of Generate-And-Repair Machine Translation) |
TCE | Total Cutaneous Examination |
TCE | Twin City Elementary School (various locations) |
TCE | Transportation Command Element |
TCE | Test Cost Estimate |
TCE | Tactical Command and Control Element |
TCE | Treasury Communications Environment |
TCE | Toxic Carpet Emissions |