Acronym | Definition |
TCF | Trillion Cubic Feet |
TCF | The Compassionate Friends |
TCF | Transcription Factor |
TCF | Treating Customers Fairly (UK) |
TCF | Thousand Cubic Feet (measurement) |
TCF | Totally Chlorine Free |
TCF | Turkish Cultural Foundation (est. 2000) |
TCF | Test de Connaissance du Français (French: Test of Knowledge of French; language skills assessment) |
TCF | The Century Foundation (est. 1919) |
TCF | Tax Control Framework (tax risk management concept) |
TCF | Transparent Computing Facility |
TCF | Transmission Control File |
TCF | The Christian Fellowship |
TCF | Twentieth Century Fox |
TCF | Travel Compensation Fund (Australia) |
TCF | The Citizens Foundation |
TCF | Telecommunications Carriers' Forum (New Zealand) |
TCF | The Conservation Foundation (various locations) |
TCF | Terrain Clearance Floor (avionics) |
TCF | Technical Construction File |
TCF | Turtle Conservation Fund |
TCF | The Conservation Fund |
TCF | Twin City Fan (& Blower) |
TCF | Twentieth Century Fund |
TCF | The Cleveland Foundation (Cleveland, OH) |
TCF | Toronto Community Foundation (Canada) |
TCF | The Centennial Fund (Saudi Arabia) |
TCF | Ternary Complex Factors |
TCF | Technical Control Facility |
TCF | Twin City Federal |
TCF | Technical Complexity Factor (software development) |
TCF | The Catholic Foundation (various locations) |
TCF | The Charitable Fund (now National Christian Foundation) |
TCF | Tzu Chi Foundation (various locations) |
TCF | Tai Chi Fundamentals (exercise) |
TCF | Total Cash Flow |
TCF | Touring Club de France |
TCF | Tactical Combat Force |
TCF | Total Cloud Fraction (climatology) |
TCF | Tivo Community Forum |
TCF | The Citizen Foundation (Pakistan) |
TCF | Twin Cities Financial (Bank) |
TCF | Trade Call Fee (home warranty) |
TCF | Thales Communications France |
TCF | Textiles Clothing and Footwear Industries |
TCF | The Change Foundation |
TCF | Travelers Conservation Foundation |
TCF | Trusthouse Charitable Foundation (UK) |
TCF | Total Coarse Fishing (Total Coarse Magazine) |
TCF | Telecommunication and Film Department |
TCF | Tissue Culture Facility |
TCF | Temporary Construction Facility |
TCF | Test Control Facility |
TCF | Transatlantic Community Foundation |
TCF | Taimen Conservation Fund (Mongolia) |
TCF | Town Creek Foundation (Maryland) |
TCF | Trauma Care Foundation (Norway) |
TCF | Tactical Control Flight (USAF) |
TCF | Training Check Frame |
TCF | Testing and Certification Facility (Acord) |
TCF | Temperature Coefficients of Frequency |
TCF | Toledo Community Foundation (Toledo, OH) |
TCF | The Curriculum Foundation |
TCF | Triumph Club de France (French: Triumph Club of France) |
TCF | Tomorrow's Children's Fund |
TCF | Trim Chassis Final |
TCF | Terrot Club de France (French motorcycle club) |
TCF | Tool Control Frame |
TCF | Track Circuit Failure (Rail industry, failure of the occupied track to signal circuit) |
TCF | Tire Cord Fabric (tires) |
TCF | Think Customers First |
TCF | Tunable Control Frequency |
TCF | Texan Club de France (French pigeon breeding club) |
TCF | Technical Characteristics File |
TCF | Thai Concern Foundation |
TCF | Troop Carrier Forces |
TCF | Track Characterization Function |
TCF | Tactical Counter-Fire |
TCF | Trident Calibration Facility |
TCF | Transaction Control Flow |
TCF | Test Control Fixture |
TCF | Temporary Correction File |
TCF | Tactical Control Facility |
TCF | Tissue Culture File |
TCF | Temperature Control Function |
TCF | Third Compliance File |
TCF | Transaction Control Function |
TCF | Test Coordination Functions |
TCF | Tank Car Facility |
TCF | Travel Cities Forecast |
TCF | Tango Class File |
TCF | Theater Cash Flow |
TCF | Technical Control Function |