UCNUltimate Custom Night (game)
UCNUniversidad Católica del Norte (Chile)
UCNUniversity College of the North (The Pas, Manitoba, Candad)
UCNUniversity College Northampton (UK)
UCNUnited Colonial Nations (Killzone)
UCNUnión del Centro Nacional (Union of the National Center; political party, Guatemala)
UCNUniversity College of Northern Denmark (Aalborg, Denmark)
UCNUltra Cold Neutron
UCNUnión del Cambio Nacional (Spanish; Guatemala)
UCNUnidad del Cambio Nacionalista (Spanish)
UCNUnique Control Number
UCNUser Circuit Number
UCNUniversal Control Number
UCNUnited Carrier Network, Inc.
UCNUnidentified Cover Name (espionage)
UCNÚnase Con Nosotros (Guatemala, political party)
UCNUniform Calendar for any New Calendar Era Date (ICAS)
UCNUnique Candidate Number (UK)