UCPUser Control Panel
UCPUnited Cerebral Palsy
UCPUncoupling Protein
UCPUniversidade Católica Portuguesa
UCPUnited Conservative Party (Alberta, Canada)
UCPUniversité de Cergy-Pontoise (Cergy-Pontoise, France)
UCPUniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (international rules)
UCPUnified Certification Program
UCPUniversity of Chicago Press
UCPUser Control Point
UCPUnified Control Plane
UCPUnified Codec Pack
UCPUniversal Call Processor
UCPUnified Cluster Portfolio
UCPUnified Command Post
UCPUnified Command Plan
UCPUnregulated Care Provider (Canada)
UCPUniversity of Central Punjab (Lahore, Pakistan)
UCPUniversity of California Press
UCPUnion Carbide Productions (Swedish rock band)
UCPUniversal Camouflage Pattern (US Army uniform type)
UCPUniversal Computer Protocol
UCPUnited Cattle Products (UK)
UCPUnidade Central de Processamento
UCPUse Case Point
UCPUniversal Carrier Printing
UCPUnit Control Position
UCPUpper Core Plate
UCPUnified Compliance Project
UCPUnicode Character Property (computing)
UCPUpper Control Panel (vehicles)
UCPUnified Content Protection
UCPUnion of Congolese Patriots
UCPUnited Citizens Party (also seen as UC)
UCPUnit Control Panel
UCPUltimateCarPage.com (website)
UCPUniversal Consolidating Platform
UCPUniversal Communications Processor
UCPUniversal Control Point
UCPUniform Customs and Practise
UCPUniversal Copier/Printer
UCPUnited Chemical Products Ltd (Russia)
UCPUnital, Completely Positive (linear mapping)
UCPUltra-Clean Processing
UCPUnique Communications Proposition
UCPUnidad Campesina del Petén (Peten Farmers' Unit, Guatemala)
UCPUtilization Control Panel
UCPUnit Credit Plan
UCPUniversal Connection Pool (Oracle)
UCPUrethane Coated Plywood
UCPUIR Change Proposal
UCPUpstream Connectivity Pointer
UCPUnit Combat Power
UCPUtility Computing Provider
UCPUnidades de Carbón de Piedra (Spanish)
UCPUtility Communications Panel
UCPUnder-ground Car Park
UCPUtility Computer Program