SRNSteroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome (kidney disease)
SRNSimple Recurrent Network (cognitive psychology, neural networks)
SRNState Registered Nurse (3 years training; British)
SRNSoftware Release Note
SRNSubretinal Neovascularization
SRNShareholder Reference Number
SRNSchool Redesign Network (est. 2000)
SRNStudent Reference Number (various schools)
SRNSpeech Recognition in Noise
SRNService Request Number
SRNSoftware Research Northwest (student software manufacturer)
SRNStichting Reclassering Nederland
SRNSurrey Reuse Network (UK)
SRNSoutheast Regional Network (various locations)
SRNStochastic Reward Net
SRNStatic Random Network
SRNSoftware Release Notice
SRNSchool Readiness Nurse (nursing specialty)
SRNSyndicat des Réseaux Radiophoniques Nationaux (French: National Radio Network Union)
SRNSabine River and Northern (railroad)
SRNSapin Rouge du Nord (French: Northern Red Fir; tree)
SRNSkyline Ridge Neighbors (formerly Citizens for the Preservation of Skyline Ridge; Portland, OR)
SRNSource Reference Number
SRNStochastic Rendezvous Network (queueing network model)
SRNSystem Reference Number
SRNShipping Requirements Notification
SRNSports Réunis Neuilly L'Evêque (French sports club)
SRNSubcommittee on Research Needs (Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology)