TVPTelewizja Polska (Polish Television Company)
TVPTextured Vegetable Protein
TVPTrombose Venosa Profunda (Portuguese: Deep Vein Thrombosis)
TVPThames Valley Police (UK)
TVPTrendnet Voice over Ip
TVPTexturized Vegetable Protein
TVPTV Patrol (Philippine news show)
TVPThrombose Veineuse Profonde (French: Deep Venous Thrombosis)
TVPThe Venus Project (Venus, FL)
TVPTelevision Production
TVPThe Vidal Partnership (New York, NY)
TVPThe Verve Pipe (band)
TVPTees Valley Partnership (UK)
TVPTricuspid Valve Prolapse
TVPTwelve Visions Party (political party)
TVPTrue Vapour Pressure
TVPTransvenous Pacing
TVPTerran Versus Protoss (Starcraft game)
TVPTruncal Vagotomy and Pyloroplasty
TVPTotal Video Productions (various locations)
TVPThe Volunteer Projects (placement and training service)
TVPTime-Varying Pade
TVPTest or Validation Plan
TVPTaxe de Vente Provincial (Quebec, Canada)