Acronym | Definition |
TVP | Telewizja Polska (Polish Television Company) |
TVP | Textured Vegetable Protein |
TVP | Trombose Venosa Profunda (Portuguese: Deep Vein Thrombosis) |
TVP | Thames Valley Police (UK) |
TVP | Trendnet Voice over Ip |
TVP | Texturized Vegetable Protein |
TVP | TV Patrol (Philippine news show) |
TVP | Thrombose Veineuse Profonde (French: Deep Venous Thrombosis) |
TVP | The Venus Project (Venus, FL) |
TVP | Television Production |
TVP | The Vidal Partnership (New York, NY) |
TVP | The Verve Pipe (band) |
TVP | Tees Valley Partnership (UK) |
TVP | Tricuspid Valve Prolapse |
TVP | Twelve Visions Party (political party) |
TVP | True Vapour Pressure |
TVP | Transvenous Pacing |
TVP | Terran Versus Protoss (Starcraft game) |
TVP | Truncal Vagotomy and Pyloroplasty |
TVP | Total Video Productions (various locations) |
TVP | The Volunteer Projects (placement and training service) |
TVP | Time-Varying Pade |
TVP | Test or Validation Plan |
TVP | Taxe de Vente Provincial (Quebec, Canada) |