Acronym | Definition |
TVR | Trevor Wilkinson (British automobile company) |
TVR | Trevor Racing |
TVR | Test Vector Receiver |
TVR | Tv Recorder |
TVR | Target Vessel Revascularization (cardiology) |
TVR | Transient Vacation Rental |
TVR | Television Ratings |
TVR | Tonic Vibration Reflex (physiology) |
TVR | Tricuspid Valve Replacement |
TVR | Televisiun Rumantscha (Switzerland TV) |
TVR | The Vocabula Review (quarterly bulletin) |
TVR | Temporary Vehicle Registration (various locations) |
TVR | Televiziune Românã (Romanian Television) |
TVR | Tequila, Vodka and Red Bull (drink) |
TVR | Tequila, Vodka & Redbull |
TVR | Terminal Verification Results |
TVR | Television Recording |
TVR | Telerecording |
TVR | Test and Verification Review |
TVR | Tele-Video Recorder (TV/VCR combination) |
TVR | Total Vascular Regeneration |
TVR | Television Rendering (Opera browser) |
TVR | Twin Valley Riders (motorcycle group; Virginia) |
TVR | Team Vasio Romain (automobile club; France) |