Acronym | Definition |
TVS | The Vitamin Shoppe (various locations) |
TVS | Transient Voltage Suppressor |
TVS | Textilverband Schweiz |
TVS | Tree View Style |
TVS | Toshiba Virtual Sound |
TVS | Television Saitama Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
TVS | Triangular Voltage Sweep (semiconductors) |
TVS | Tunnel Ventilation Shaft (rapid transit systems) |
TVS | TV Virtual Surround |
TVS | Television South (UK; 1982-1992) |
TVS | Tornado Vortex Signature (doppler radar) |
TVS | Total Volatile Solids |
TVS | The Vegan Society |
TVS | Triangle Vegetarian Society (Raleigh/Chapel Hill/Durham, North Carolina, USA) |
TVS | Thermal Vacuum Switch (automotive) |
TVS | Topological Vector Space |
TVS | TV Sundram Iyengar (motor company, India) |
TVS | Television Sensor |
TVS | Technology Value Solutions |
TVS | Transportable Vitrification System |
TVS | Travel Voucher Summary |
TVS | Thermal Vacuum Stability |
TVS | Television Specializing |
TVS | Transaction Verification System |
TVS | Trans Vaginal Sonogram (Ob/Gyn) |
TVS | Time-Varying Setpoint |
TVS | Target Video Stream |
TVS | Tachograph Vehicle Speed |
TVS | Tactical Voice Switch |
TVS | Triaxial Vibration Sensor (Space Shuttle) |
TVS | Transparent Voice Signaling |
TVS | Towed Vehicle System |
TVS | Telecommunications Video System (Bridgewater State College; Bridgewater, MA) |