VDIVirtual Desk Infrastructure (computing model)
VDIVirtual Desktop Infrastructure
VDIVirtual Disk Image
VDIValsts Darba Inspekcijas (Latvian: State Labour Inspection)
VDIVirtual Device Interface
VDIVideo Data Input
VDIVideo Disk Interactive
VDIVariable Intake Diesel Direct Injection
VDIVideo Display Input
VDIVector Display Indicator
VDIVideo Data Interface
VDIVirtual Development Interface
VDIVendeur à Domicile Indépendant (French: Independent Home Vendor; vendor status; France)
VDIVoix, Données, Images (French: Voice, Data, Image; building communication channels)
VDIVerein Deutsche Ingenieure (Society of German Engineers)
VDIVested Development, Inc. (Burlington, MA)
VDIVideo Display Interface
VDIVantan Design Institute (Japan)
VDIVehicle Dependability Index (JD Powers)
VDIVideo Device Interface
VDIVisual Defence, Inc. (Canada)
VDIVista Drive Icon (software)
VDIVoluntary Disability Insurance
VDIV Differential Input
VDIVending Data Interchange (wireless telemetry)
VDIVertical Display Indicator
VDIVerbal Dispatch Instruction
VDIVesicular Stomatitis Virus Defective Interfering Particle Repressor
VDIVerification, Design and Implementation
VDIVoice Data Integrator
VDIVerify Dispatch Information (Dell)