VDPVin de Pays (French: Wine of the Land)
VDPVariable Data Printing
VDPVideo Display Processor
VDPSt. Vincent de Paul
VDPVerband Deutscher Pfandbriefbanken
VDPVoluntary Disclosure Program (tax amnesty; various nations)
VDPVerband Deutscher Papierfabriken (German: Association of German Paper Mills)
VDPVariable Data Publishing
VDPVirtual Disk Player
VDPVideo Profile
VDPVirtual Drive Program
VDPVirtual Document Planner
VDPVideo Digital Programme
VDPVisual Studio Deployment Project
VDPVirtual Document Programming
VDPVideo Disc Player
VDPVan der Pol (equation)
VDPVillage Development Program
VDPVerband Deutscher Puppentheater (German: German Puppet Theater Association)
VDPVehicle Development Process
VDPVillage Defense Party (Bangladesh)
VDPValiant Defender's Party
VDPVerband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter eV (Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates)
VDPVoice Directed Picking (vending)
VDPVisual Descent Point
VDPVideo Disk Player
VDPVery Draining Person
VDPvideo datagram protocol
VDPVoluntary Departure Plan
VDPVery Dangerous Person
VDPVehicle Description Page (sales)
VDPVaccine Damage Payment (UK)
VDPVirtual Desktop Platform
VDPVendor Direct Program
VDPVascular Disease Program
VDPVisual Day Planner
VDPVery Deep Pockets
VDPVolunteer Reservists in Drill Pay Status (US Navy)
VDPVibration Damped Palletisation (System 3R)
VDPVideo Decompression Processor
VDPVehicle Down for Parts
VDPVava'u Development Programme (EU)
VDPVehicle Deadlined for Parts
VDPViolent Deranged Person