Acronym | Definition |
VDS | Voie de Service (French: Service Road) |
VDS | Vehicle Dependability Study (JD Power) |
VDS | Virtual Dedicated Server |
VDS | Visual Display System |
VDS | Visual Design System |
VDS | Vitamin and Dietary Supplements |
VDS | Virus Detection System |
VDS | Virtual Disk Service |
VDS | Voluntary Departure Scheme |
VDS | Vitamin and Dietary Supplement |
VDS | Variable Depth Sonar |
VDS | Vereinigung der Sternfreunde (German: Association 'Friends of Astronomy') |
VDS | Virtual Directory Server |
VDS | Verein Deutsche Sprache (German: German Language Association) |
VDS | Virtual Dolby Digital Surround |
VDS | Visual Data Stream |
VDS | Virtual Domain Server |
VDS | Virtual Disks System |
VDS | Video Direct Show |
VDS | Virtual Data System |
VDS | Voluntary Disclosure Scheme (India) |
VDS | Value Delivery System |
VDS | Veterinary Diagnostic Services (various organizations) |
VDS | Vickers Defence Systems |
VDS | Verband Deutscher Schulmusiker (German: Association of German School Musicians) |
VDS | Vacuum Drying System |
VDS | Volunteer Development Scotland (Stirling, Scotland) |
VDS | Verband Der Schadenversicherer (German) |
VDS | Video Subsystem (US DoD) |
VDS | Virtual DMA Services |
VDS | Vehicle Dynamic Stability |
VDS | Vehicle Dynamics Simulation |
VDS | Vapor Distribution System (semiconductors) |
VDS | Visual DialogScript |
VDS | Voice Distribution System |
VDS | Visionary Design Systems, Inc. |
VDS | Verband Deutscher Studentenschaften |
VDS | Virtual Doctoral School (Kaleidoscope) |
VDS | Vacuum Diagnostics System (semiconductors) |
VDS | Vehicular Data Server |
VDS | Volatile Dissolved Solids |
VDS | Vadso, Norway - Vadso (Airport Code) |
VDS | Verein Die Schwarzwalduhr (German: Black Forest Clock Association) |
VDS | Voltage Drain to Source |
VDS | Volume Descriptor Sequence (OSTA universal disk format) |
VDS | Vehicle Detector Station |
VDS | Vessel Deployment System |
VDS | View Dependent Simplification |
VDS | Venereal Disease - Syphilis |
VDS | Video Descriptive Service |
VDS | Video Distribution System/Subsystem |
VDS | Velocity Data System |
VDS | Verband der Sachversicherer eV (German) |
VDS | Versa Docking Station |
VDS | VHF Directional Finding Subsystem |