VDTVino da Tavola (Italian: Table Wine)
VDTVisual Display Terminal
VDTVideo Display Terminal
VDTVin de Table (French: Table Wine; wine standard)
VDTVirtual Data Toolkit
VDTValdosta Daily Times
VDTVariable Delay Timing
VDTVirtual Desktop Toolbox
VDTVolume Definition Table
VDTVirtual Design Team
VDTVorsprung Durch Technik (German: Advantage through Technology; Audi)
VDTVerband Deutscher Tonmeister (German: Association of German Sound Engineers; audio industry group)
VDTVideo Dial Tone
VDTView, Download and Transmit (electronic health records)
VDTVideo Display Tube
VDTVehicle Damage Tracking
VDTVillage Development Trust (Papua New Guinea)
VDTValuable Drinking Time
VDTVirginia Department of Taxation
VDTVariable Dwell Time
VDTVehicle Dynamics Technology (Bitgear)
VDTVehicle Data Table (software)
VDTVital Data Technology (California)
VDTVolume Doubling Time (oncology)
VDTVisual Disk Test (open source software)
VDTVegetation Direct Transfer
VDTVariable Density Tunnel
VDTVideo Data Terminal
VDTVariable Discharge Turbine
VDTVertical Deceleration Tower
VDTValue Driver Tree (SAP)
VDTVehicle Data Terminal (mobile)
VDTVariable Depth Transducer
VDTVoluntary Down Time
VDTVan der Merwe du Toit (South African legal firm)
VDTVascular Dilatation and Tortuosity
VDTVariable Data Table
VDTVenezuelan Death Touch (gaming)