WSIWater Safety Instructor
WSIWall Street Institute
WSIWater Systems, Inc. (various locations)
WSIWindow Set Interval
WSIWeb Server Integration
WSIWireless Strategic Initiative
WSIWirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (German: Institute for Economic and Social Science; Germany)
WSIWilhelm Schickard Institut (German institute)
WSIWackenhut Services Inc. (Palm Beach Gardens, FL)
WSIWafer Scale Integration
WSIWeb Services Interoperability
WSIWeb Services Interface (software)
WSIWorld Security Institute (Washington, DC)
WSIWorld Sindhi Institute (Pakistan)
WSIWeather Services International Corporation
WSIWorkplace Skills Initiative (Industry Canada)
WSIWelfare State International
WSIWhole Sky Image (meteorology)
WSIWorkforce Safety Insurance (North Dakota)
WSIWeb Services Initiative (various organizations)
WSIWritten Scheme of Investigation (document prepared as part of archaeological fieldwork)
WSIWachovia Securities, Inc. (banking)
WSIWeapon System Integration
WSIWhole School Initiative (various locations)
WSIWeb Services Internationalization
WSIWireless Systems International
WSIWeb Services Intermediary
WSIWhole Schools Institute
WSIWater Soluble Index
WSIWarfare Studies Institute
WSIWordtext Systems Incorporated
WSIWellstart International
WSIWeapons System Information Manual
WSIWaste-Spark Ignition
WSIWoman Sergeant Instructor
WSIWar Service Increment (UK)