Acronym | Definition |
VOCA | Victims of Crime Act of 1984 |
VOCA | Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance |
VOCA | Voice Output Communication Aids |
VOCA | Victims of Criminal Acts (various organizations) |
VOCA | Victims of Crime Assistance |
VOCA | Vision of Contemporary Art |
VOCA | Vermont Old Cemetery Association |
VOCA | Victims of Chiropractic Abuse (Westville, CT) |
VOCA | View on Canadian Art |
VOCA | Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society, Inc. (Pasadena, CA) |
VOCA | Vocational Opportunities Clubs of America |
VOCA | Vocational Opportunities Chapters of America |
VOCA | Victory Over Child Abuse |
VOCA | Vormingscel Caritas |
VOCA | Velocette Owners Club of Australia |
VOCA | Voice of Customer Analytics (IBM Corp.) |
VOCA | Voice Operational Communications Assembly |
VOCA | Volunteer Overseas Cooperating Agency |