VIMVi Improved
VIMVehicle Interface Module (various companies)
VIMVirtualized Infrastructure Manager (computing)
VIMVendor Independent Mail
VIMVendor Independent Messaging
VIMVisual Editor Improved
VIMVeterinary Internal Medicine (various locations)
VIMVeilig Incident Melden (Dutch: Safety Incident Report)
VIMInternational Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology
VIMVendor-Independent Messaging
VIMVoyager Interstellar Mission
VIMVentral Intermediate Nucleus
VIMVisual Editor iMproved (Linux text editor)
VIMVideo Input Module
VIMVictory Is Mine
VIMVelocity Interface Mezzanine
VIMVery Important Member (web forums)
VIMVirtual Infrastructure Management
VIMVacuum Induction Melted
VIMVery Important Meeting
VIMVirtualized Interaction Manager (software)
VIMVehicle Inspection and Maintenance (emissions regulation)
VIMVirtual Item Manager
VIMVortex Induced Motion (offshore platform phenomena)
VIMVandals in Motion (gaming clan)
VIMVendor Information Management
VIMVehicule D'intervention Medicalise (French)
VIMVapor Intrusion Monitoring
VIMVibration Isolation Module
VIMVenture In Mission
VIMVirtual Infinite Memory
VIMVery High Speed Integrated Circuit Insertion Module
VIMVirtual Interconnected Management
VIMVector IMaging
VIMVeal Issues Management (Meshoppen, PA)
VIMVertical Industry Manager
VIMVisual Inspection Module
VIMVery Important Moron