Acronym | Definition |
WOA | Wacken Open Air (music festival) |
WOA | Windows on Arm (Microsoft) |
WOA | Women of Action (network; Rearden LLC) |
WOA | Work of Art |
WOA | World Ocean Atlas (US NOAA) |
WOA | Web Object Architecture |
WOA | Web Object Application |
WOA | Wake on Alarm |
WOA | Web-Oriented Architecture |
WOA | World of Asia |
WOA | World Olympians Association |
WOA | Weak Organic Acid |
WOA | Warriors of Apocalypse (gaming) |
WOA | Western Orthopaedic Association |
WOA | World of Open Account |
WOA | Web Offset Association (Nashville, TN) |
WOA | World Airways, Inc (ICAO code) |
WOA | Wisconsin Optometric Association |
WOA | Work Order Authorization |
WOA | Whole Organisation Approach (various locations) |
WOA | Wildlife Observation Area (Ohio) |
WOA | Wii Ownage Army (gaming clan) |
WOA | Westerly Owners' Association (UK) |
WOA | Without Alarm |
WOA | Well Operations Authorization (energy industry) |
WOA | Wall of Argos (Lineage 2 game) |
WOA | Warrant Officer Association |
WOA | White Oak Armament |
WOA | Wyoming Optometric Association |
WOA | Workshop on Objects and Agents |
WOA | Writs of Assistance |
WOA | With Onboard Audio |
WOA | Wrath of Air Totem (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
WOA | Web Object Architecture (programming) |
WOA | Waiting on the ANA (Afghan National Army) |
WOA | Wartime Operating Airfield |
WOA | Wide Open Airway |