WOAWacken Open Air (music festival)
WOAWindows on Arm (Microsoft)
WOAWomen of Action (network; Rearden LLC)
WOAWork of Art
WOAWorld Ocean Atlas (US NOAA)
WOAWeb Object Architecture
WOAWeb Object Application
WOAWake on Alarm
WOAWeb-Oriented Architecture
WOAWorld of Asia
WOAWorld Olympians Association
WOAWeak Organic Acid
WOAWarriors of Apocalypse (gaming)
WOAWestern Orthopaedic Association
WOAWorld of Open Account
WOAWeb Offset Association (Nashville, TN)
WOAWorld Airways, Inc (ICAO code)
WOAWisconsin Optometric Association
WOAWork Order Authorization
WOAWhole Organisation Approach (various locations)
WOAWildlife Observation Area (Ohio)
WOAWii Ownage Army (gaming clan)
WOAWesterly Owners' Association (UK)
WOAWithout Alarm
WOAWell Operations Authorization (energy industry)
WOAWall of Argos (Lineage 2 game)
WOAWarrant Officer Association
WOAWhite Oak Armament
WOAWyoming Optometric Association
WOAWorkshop on Objects and Agents
WOAWrits of Assistance
WOAWith Onboard Audio
WOAWrath of Air Totem (gaming, World of Warcraft)
WOAWeb Object Architecture (programming)
WOAWaiting on the ANA (Afghan National Army)
WOAWartime Operating Airfield
WOAWide Open Airway