WOCWomen of Color
WOCWinds of Change
WOCWorld of Concrete (industry event)
WOCWizards of the Coast (Hasbro subsidiary)
WOCWorld Orienteering Championships
WOCWithout Compensation
WOCWorld Ophthalmology Congress
WOCWound, Ostomy and Continence
WOCWithout Children (biology)
WOCWorld of Color (Disney show)
WOCWarrant Officer Candidate
WOCWord of Christ
WOCWorld of Comics (German comic artists)
WOCWorld Outreach Church (Murfreesboro, TN)
WOCWriting on Cover
WOCWindows Orgchart
WOCWorkplane Objective Code
WOCWireless and Optical Communications
WOCWindows One Care
WOCWisdom of Crowds (MIT's Center for Collective Intelligence)
WOCWeapon of Choice (band)
WOCWorld Orchid Conference
WOCWater Oil Contact (petroleum engineering)
WOCWomen's Ordination Conference (Church)
WOCWeek of Compassion (Indianapolis, IN)
WOCWAN Optimization Controller
WOCWinter of Code (openmaru)
WOCWorld of Conflict (gaming)
WOCWing Operations Center (US Air Force; US DoD)
WOCWorld Organization of Creditors (Russia)
WOCWater-Oxidizing Center (chemistry/biochemistry)
WOCWave of Compassion
WOCWork Order Control
WOCWithout Cash (colloquial)
WOCWater Only Company (UK)
WOCWeb Oriented Center (training center in Brazil)
WOCWorld Orthopaedic Concern
WOCWestern Operations Center (Forest Service)
WOCWonders of Chiropractic
WOCWhites Only Club
WOCWait on Cement (oilfield drilling)
WOCWait On Cement
WOCWarriors of Chaos (gaming)
WOCWorld Of Chris (game)
WOCWomen of Cannabis
WOCWorkshop Organizing Committee
WOCWorkshop on Open Certification of Software Testers
WOCWindows Operators Console (PBX)
WOCWireless Opportunities Coalition
WOCWebsite Owners Club
WOCWorld Overall Championships (frisbee sports)
WOCWorkforce Opportunities Council
WOCWilchester Owners Committee
WOCWeapons Operating Costs
WOCWeather Operations Cell
WOCWar Operations Center
WOCWritten and Oral Communications
WOCWeb Order Cancel
WOCWait on Chat
WOCWaiting On Customer
WOCWide-Area Optimization Controller