Acronym | Definition |
WOC | Women of Color |
WOC | Winds of Change |
WOC | World of Concrete (industry event) |
WOC | Wizards of the Coast (Hasbro subsidiary) |
WOC | World Orienteering Championships |
WOC | Without Compensation |
WOC | World Ophthalmology Congress |
WOC | Wound, Ostomy and Continence |
WOC | Without Children (biology) |
WOC | World of Color (Disney show) |
WOC | Warrant Officer Candidate |
WOC | Word of Christ |
WOC | World of Comics (German comic artists) |
WOC | World Outreach Church (Murfreesboro, TN) |
WOC | Writing on Cover |
WOC | Windows Orgchart |
WOC | Workplane Objective Code |
WOC | Wireless and Optical Communications |
WOC | Win-on-Cd |
WOC | Windows One Care |
WOC | Wisdom of Crowds (MIT's Center for Collective Intelligence) |
WOC | Weapon of Choice (band) |
WOC | World Orchid Conference |
WOC | Water Oil Contact (petroleum engineering) |
WOC | Women's Ordination Conference (Church) |
WOC | Week of Compassion (Indianapolis, IN) |
WOC | WAN Optimization Controller |
WOC | Winter of Code (openmaru) |
WOC | World of Conflict (gaming) |
WOC | Wing Operations Center (US Air Force; US DoD) |
WOC | World Organization of Creditors (Russia) |
WOC | Water-Oxidizing Center (chemistry/biochemistry) |
WOC | Wave of Compassion |
WOC | Work Order Control |
WOC | Without Cash (colloquial) |
WOC | Water Only Company (UK) |
WOC | Web Oriented Center (training center in Brazil) |
WOC | World Orthopaedic Concern |
WOC | Western Operations Center (Forest Service) |
WOC | Wonders of Chiropractic |
WOC | Whites Only Club |
WOC | Wait on Cement (oilfield drilling) |
WOC | Wait On Cement |
WOC | Warriors of Chaos (gaming) |
WOC | World Of Chris (game) |
WOC | Women of Cannabis |
WOC | Workshop Organizing Committee |
WOC | Workshop on Open Certification of Software Testers |
WOC | Windows Operators Console (PBX) |
WOC | Wireless Opportunities Coalition |
WOC | Website Owners Club |
WOC | World Overall Championships (frisbee sports) |
WOC | Workforce Opportunities Council |
WOC | Wilchester Owners Committee |
WOC | Weapons Operating Costs |
WOC | Weather Operations Cell |
WOC | War Operations Center |
WOC | Written and Oral Communications |
WOC | Web Order Cancel |
WOC | Wait on Chat |
WOC | Waiting On Customer |
WOC | Wide-Area Optimization Controller |