Acronym | Definition |
WBBA | Wisconsin Bed and Breakfast Association |
WBBA | Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association |
WBBA | Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas |
WBBA | World Beach Basketball Association |
WBBA | Western Bird Banding Association |
WBBA | West Broadway Business Association (Louisville, KY) |
WBBA | World Beyblade Battle Association (gaming) |
WBBA | Wootton Bridge Business Association (Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight, UK) |
WBBA | Williams Bay Business Association (Williams Bay, Wisconsin) |
WBBA | Wood Buffalo Builders' Association (Canada) |
WBBA | Washington Breeding Bird Atlas |
WBBA | Washington Business Brokers Association (Bellevue, WA) |
WBBA | West Bend Builders Association, Inc. (West Bend, WI) |
WBBA | Willowbrook Black Belt Academy (Houston, TX) |