Acronym | Definition |
APSI | Amicassa Process Solutions, Inc. (Philippines) |
APSI | Association of Plastic Surgeons of India |
APSI | Agence de Promotion, de Soutien et de Suivi des Investissements (French) |
APSI | Animal Protection Society of Iowa (Des Moines, IA) |
APSI | Aircraft Propulsion Subsystem Integration |
APSI | Associazione Prevenzione Studio Infezioni (Association for the Prevention andStudy of Infection) |
APSI | Australian Professional Snowsports Instructors, Inc. |
APSI | Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type I |
APSI | Actuarial Program for Selected Items |
APSI | Advanced Propulsion System Integration |
APSI | Associazione Pediatri della Svizzera Italiana |
APSI | Association for the Promotion of Scientific Innovation (Sudan) |