Acronym | Definition |
ASHA | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
ASHA | American Social Health Association |
ASHA | American Speech and Hearing Association |
ASHA | American School Health Association |
ASHA | Accredited Social Health Activist (India) |
ASHA | American Social Hygiene Association (now American Social Health Association) |
ASHA | American Seniors Housing Association |
ASHA | American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (USAID) |
ASHA | American Shire Horse Association |
ASHA | American Surgical Hospital Association |
ASHA | Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (Australia, New Zealand) |
ASHA | American Sulphur Horse Association |
ASHA | Alaska State Housing Authority |
ASHA | American Saddlebred Horse Association, Inc. |
ASHA | American Suffolk Horse Association |
ASHA | Advanced Station Housing Allowance |
ASHA | Australian Spiritual Healers Association (est. 1964; Australia) |
ASHA | Action for Securing Health for All |
ASHA | American Show Horse Association |
ASHA | Aurora Shores Homeowners Association |
ASHA | Armed Services Health Affairs |