VODVideo On Demand
VODVoice and Data
VODVideo of the Day (entertainment)
VODValue of the Dollar (finance)
VODVolume of Distribution
VODVicar of Dibley (TV show)
VODVeno-Occlusive Disease
VODVirtual Optical Device
VODVpx Operational Dashboard
VODVideo on Desktop
VODVirtual Optical Drive
VODVoice on Demand
VODVerification of Deposit
VODVerification of Death
VODVision of Disorder (band)
VODVoice of Democracy (student speech competition)
VODValley of Death (Asheron's Call game)
VODVertical Onboard Delivery (US DoD)
VODVelocity of Detonation (high explosives)
VODVoice Output Device (communication)
VODVoice Over Data
VODVoice-Operated Device
VODVoice Of the Diabetic
VODVacuum Oxygen Decarbonization
VODVector of Differentiation
VODVertical Obstruction Data
VODVery Old Data
VODVisus Oculi Dextri (Latin: Vision - Right Eye)
VODVehicle Office D
VODVehicle Operations - Program D
VODVan of Death (fast-food trailer in Cambridge, UK)