Acronym | Definition |
VOD | Video On Demand |
VOD | Voice and Data |
VOD | Video of the Day (entertainment) |
VOD | Value of the Dollar (finance) |
VOD | Volume of Distribution |
VOD | Vicar of Dibley (TV show) |
VOD | Veno-Occlusive Disease |
VOD | Virtual Optical Device |
VOD | Vpx Operational Dashboard |
VOD | Video on Desktop |
VOD | Virtual Optical Drive |
VOD | Voice on Demand |
VOD | Verification of Deposit |
VOD | Verification of Death |
VOD | Vision of Disorder (band) |
VOD | Voice of Democracy (student speech competition) |
VOD | Valley of Death (Asheron's Call game) |
VOD | Vertical Onboard Delivery (US DoD) |
VOD | Velocity of Detonation (high explosives) |
VOD | Voice Output Device (communication) |
VOD | Voice Over Data |
VOD | Voice-Operated Device |
VOD | Voice Of the Diabetic |
VOD | Vacuum Oxygen Decarbonization |
VOD | Vector of Differentiation |
VOD | Vertical Obstruction Data |
VOD | Very Old Data |
VOD | Visus Oculi Dextri (Latin: Vision - Right Eye) |
VOD | Vehicle Office D |
VOD | Vehicle Operations - Program D |
VOD | Van of Death (fast-food trailer in Cambridge, UK) |