Acronym | Definition |
VOI | Voice of India (TV show; India) |
VOI | Vehicle of Interest |
VOI | Versatile Optical Interface |
VOI | Volumes of Interest |
VOI | Voice File |
VOI | Voice Over Internet |
VOI | Volume of Interest (medical imaging) |
VOI | Venus Orbit Insertion (NASA) |
VOI | Value of Information (decision making) |
VOI | Value of Investment |
VOI | Voice of Islam |
VOI | Voice of Information |
VOI | Voice of Iraq (radio station) |
VOI | Vlaamse Openbare Instelling (Dutch: Flemish Public Institution; Belgium) |
VOI | Vendor Owned Inventory |
VOI | Verification of Income |
VOI | Vessel of Interest |
VOI | Voices of Insanity (gaming clan) |
VOI | Visual Operator Instruction |