WSPRWeak Signal Propagation Reporter (software; amateur radio club)
WSPRWestern Society for Pediatric Research
WSPRWestern States Public Radio
WSPRWegierska Socjalistyczna Partia Robotnicza
WSPRWheeling Society of Paranormal Research
WSPRWashington State Parks and Recreation
WSPRWeighted Shortest Processing Requirement (heuristic)
WSPRWashington State Plant Registry
WSPRWinning Strategies Public Relations
WSPRWhisperings Solo Piano Radio
WSPRWolbachia Recombinant Surface Protein
WSPRWidest-Shortest Path Routing
WSPRWeakly Strictly Positive Real
WSPRWorld Society for Protection of Reefs
WSPRWordSouth Public Relations, Inc.
WSPRWithin Sibship Paired Resampling
WSPRWisconsin Service Plan Review
WSPRWrinkly Spreader Phenotype Regulator
WSPRWeapon System Program Review
WSPRWomen's Spirituality and Ritual