WSRIWeb Science Research Initiative (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Southampton)
WSRIWood Supply Research Institute (Rockville, MD)
WSRIWild Stock Restoration Initiative
WSRIWorld-Sheet Reparametrization Invariance
WSRIWhite Shark Research Institute (Cape Town, South Africa)
WSRIWeb Service Rendition Interface
WSRIWestern States Reclamation, Inc. (Frederick, CO)
WSRIWorld Supply Research Institute (Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia)
WSRIWestern Sydney Research Institute (University of Western Sydney; Kingswood, Australia)
WSRIWeb Services Repository Initiative (HEKATE)
WSRIWeber Stream Restoration Initiative
WSRIWhite Sturgeon Recovery Initiative
WSRIWestern Shoshone Resources, Inc. (Crescent Valley, Nevada)
WSRIWindstar Resources, Inc.
WSRIWeb Services Registration Interface
WSRIWeb Service Research Institute (Japan)
WSRIWeighted Sound Reduction Index
WSRIWavelength Selective Ring Interconnect (fiber optic technology)
WSRIWashington State Reading Initiative
WSRIWairarapa Smart Region Incorporated (New Zealand)
WSRIWine and Spirit Recruitment International (UK)