Acronym | Definition |
WIP | Fraser (Amtrak station code; Fraser, CO) |
WIP | Work In Progress |
WIP | Work in Process |
WIP | Warner Independent Pictures (Warner Brothers) |
WIP | Women in Photography (various locations) |
WIP | Women in Prison (movie genre) |
WIP | Women in Property (various locations) |
WIP | Wireless Industry Partnership |
WIP | Wireless Ip |
WIP | World Internet Project |
WIP | World Institute of Pain |
WIP | Watershed Implementation Plan (various locations) |
WIP | Wash-In-Place |
WIP | Weekend Intervention Program (various locations) |
WIP | Work In Place |
WIP | Women in Publishing |
WIP | Women in Philanthropy |
WIP | Winter Internship Program (various organizations) |
WIP | Writers in Prison |
WIP | Wireless Internet Protocol |
WIP | Web Interoperability Pledge |
WIP | Western Independence Party (Canada) |
WIP | Wireless Independent Provider (Sweden) |
WIP | Women Inventors Project (Canada) |
WIP | Work Improvement Programme |
WIP | Warden Intercommunication Point |
WIP | Write in Peace |
WIP | Wholesalers Insurance Plan (American Wholesalers Underwriting, Ltd) |
WIP | Workforce Investment Program |
WIP | Westchester Insurance Professionals |
WIP | Weight Improvement Program |
WIP | Water Injection Pump |
WIP | Warfighter Involvement Process (Department of Defense) |
WIP | War-Fighting Improvement Plan |
WIP | Wartime Intelligence Plan |
WIP | Weapons Installation Plan |
WIP | Weapon Impact Point |
WIP | Web Impact Factor |
WIP | Wedding in Progress |