WADWetting and Drying
WADWithout A Doubt
WADWomen and Development (various locations)
WADWPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Acronym Dictionary
WADWorld Association of Detectives
WADWriting across the Disciplines (education)
WADWeb Application Development
WADWalking Assist Device (Honda)
WADWorks as Designed
WADWhiplash Associated Disorders
WADWireless Access Device
WADWork Authorization Document
WADWide Area Differential
WADWhat a Day
WADWomen's Action for Development (Namibia)
WADWorking as Designed
WADWindows Active Directory
WADWireless Application Development
WADWireless Advertisement
WADWindows Active Directory (Microsoft)
WADWest African Development
WADWorld Art Day (April 15)
WADWavelength Add and Drop (Lucent)
WADWest African Diamonds PLC
WADWe Always Die (gaming clan)
WADWeak Acid Dissociable (cyanide; gold mining)
WADWeb Application Descriptor
WADWorld Aerospace Database (McGraw-Hill)
WADWisconsin Association of the Deaf
WADWhere's All the Data (Doom gaming)
WADWar Allocation Daemon (Doom computer game)
WADWorks Authorization Deed (Australia)
WADWeb Application Debugger
WADWomen Across Differences (Guyana)
WADWorld Appreciation Day
WADWork Authorization Directive
WADWise Ass Doolie
WADWorldwide Agency Data
WADWritten Acceptance Date (Sprint)
WADWide-Area Development
WADWordwide Automation Domination (cartoons)
WADWizard for Application Dictionary (application)