WAFWomen in the Air Force (USAF; obsolete)
WAFWeb Application Firewall (IT security)
WAFWallis and Futuna (Polynesian French island territory)
WAFWe Are Family
WAFWeekend A Firenze
WAFWife Acceptance Factor (stereos/gadgets)
WAFWeb Application Firewall
WAFWeb Application Formats
WAFWe Are the Future
WAFWeb Application Framework
WAFWorld Athletics Final
WAFWomen's Action Forum
WAFWorld Agricultural Forum
WAFWife Approval Factor
WAFWater Accommodated Fraction
WAFWomen Against Fundamentalism
WAFWorld Archery Festival
WAFWorld AIDS Foundation
WAFWeather and Forecasting
WAFWeapons Analysis Facility
WAFWhat A Friend (We Have in Jesus)
WAFWelsh Automotive Forum
WAFWorld Apostolate of Fatima (Catholic organization)
WAFWine Advocate Fund for Philanthropy (McLean, VA)
WAFWide Area File
WAFWarszawskie Alternatywy Filmowe (Polish: Warsaw Alternative Film; film festival; Warsaw, Poland)
WAFWork Authorization Form
WAFWith All Faults
WAFWorld Arm Wrestling Federation (est. 1998)
WAFWorkfolder Application Facility
WAFWorld Aurum Foundation (Japan)
WAFWomens Acceptance Factor
WAFWall Attenuation Factor (wireless signal strength)
WAFWorld Allergy Forum
WAFWorld Action Foundation (Portland, OR)
WAFWeb and Film (festival)
WAFWireless Adaptation Framework
WAFWhat a Freak (Internet slang)
WAFWesleyan Annual Fund
WAFWindows Access Facility
WAFWestern Advertising Federation
WAFWavelet Analysis Filter
WAFWireless Application Framework
WAFWomen's Addiction Foundation
WAFWomen's Aid Federation of England (UK)
WAFWatershed Assessment Framework (various organizations)
WAFWerkhuizen August Firlefyn (Kruibeke, Belgium)