WTAWomen's Tennis Association
WTAWhat the Ass
WTAWorld Travel Awards (UK)
WTAWhat the Actual
WTAWashington Trails Association
WTAWireless Telephony Application
WTAWhole Transcriptome Amplification (molecular biology)
WTAWillingness to Accept
WTAWinner Takes All
WTAWorse than Average (experiments)
WTAWorld Transhumanist Association
WTAWataniya Telecom Algerie (Algerian telecommunications operator)
WTAWorld Teleport Association
WTAWhatcom Transportation Authority
WTAWireless Telephony Application (WAP)
WTAWerewolf: the Apocalypse (game)
WTAWisconsin Towns Association
WTAWerewolf: The Apocalypse (a roleplaying game)
WTAWorld Tourist Attractions (observation wheel operator)
WTAWorld Tamil Association
WTAWestern Telecommunications Alliance
WTAWorld Toilet Association (Singapore)
WTAWear and Tear Allowance (taxation)
WTAWales Tourism Alliance
WTAWashington Trucking Association
WTAWarrant to Arrest (New Zealand)
WTAWax Thermal Actuator
WTAWestern Trucking Alliance (Upland, CA)
WTAWyoming Telecommunications Association
WTAWow! That's Amazing!
WTAWindward Islands Airways, Netherlands Antilles (ICAO code)
WTAWisconsin Trap Shooters Association
WTAWe The Accused (band)
WTAWork-center Task Assignments
WTAWorld Technologies Association
WTAWisconsin Telephone Association
WTAWorkcenter Task Assignment
WTAWork Task Assignment