WOMWord of Mouth
WOMWrit of Mandamus (court order)
WOMWheel of Mediocrity
WOMWorld of Music
WOMWait on Material
WOMWake on Mouse
WOMWake on Modem
WOMWord Object Model
WOMWall of Missing (war memorial)
WOMWomen over Men
WOMWaste of Money
WOMWomen on Mission (Southern Baptist Convention)
WOMWrite Only Memory
WOMWrite-Only Memory
WOMWireless Optical Mouse
WOMWear of Materials (accelerated weathering tests)
WOMWell Oiled Machine
WOMWrite Once Memory
WOMWorld Open Market (Independent Project Analysis, Inc.)
WOMWomen of the Moose (club)
WOMWeb Object Management (IBM)
WOMWarranted Operations and Maintenance (wind energy)
WOMWorld of Minecraft (gaming)
WOMWireless Operator Mechanic (UK and Australia)
WOMWomen Over Mates
WOMWalk Off Mat (construction)
WOMWings Over Miami (aircraft museum)
WOMWrite Optional Memory
WOMWashington Overseas Mission (Washington, MO)