AGLAbove Ground Level
AGLAtlanta Gas Light (Atlanta, GA)
AGLAutomatic Grenade Launcher
AGLAmerican Gemological Laboratories
AGLAtelier de Génie Logiciel
AGLAngelica Corporation (stock symbol; Chesterfield, MO)
AGLAcute Granulocytic Leukemia (oncology)
AGLAssemblée Générale des Étudiants de Louvain (French: General Assembly of the Students of Leuven; Catholic University of Leuven; Belgium)
AGLAlpha Global Logistics, Inc. (Japan)
AGLAlternate Gatekeeper List
AGLAerodrome Ground Lighting
AGLAlliance for the Great Lakes (formerly Lake Michigan Federation)
AGLAustralian Gas and Light Company
AGLArtificial Grammar Learning
AGLActors' Guild of Lexington (Kentucky)
AGLAmitiés Généalogiques du Limousin (French genealogical association)
AGLAllied Geophysical Laboratories
AGLAllcargo Global Logistics Limited
AGLAge, Gender, Location
AGLApplied Geodynamics Laboratory
AGLAmerican Golf League
AGLAviation Group Leeuwarden
AGLAstronet Graphic Library
AGLAir to Ground Laser
AGLAdvanced Greig Laminators, Inc.
AGLAssociation Genevoise de Longboard
AGLAffine General Linear (mathematics)
AGLApple Graphics Library
AGLAdventure Games Live (online gaming)
AGLA Gamer's Life (gaming forum)
AGLAssociation de Gestion des Libéraux
AGLAltimate Gaming League (website)
AGLAdvanced Geospatial Laboratory
AGLAlphaMask Graphics Library (AlphaMask, Inc.)
AGLAustralian Gaming League
AGLAmis et Auditeurs de Génie Logiciel
AGLAircraft Ground Light
AGLAluminizing and Galvanizing Line
AGLAdvanced Graphic Language
AGLAction Gamers League