Acronym | Definition |
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
AGM | Absorbed Glass Mat (battery) |
AGM | Award of Garden Merit (British horticulture) |
AGM | Absorbent Glass Mat (valve regulated lead acid battery) |
AGM | Assistant General Manager |
AGM | Absorbent Glass Mat |
AGM | Adobe Graphics Manager |
AGM | Alternate Graphics Mode |
AGM | Air-to-Ground Missile |
AGM | Arithmetic Geometric Mean |
AGM | Agrargemeinschaften (German: Agricultural Communities; Austria) |
AGM | Asian Gypsy Moth (insect species) |
AGM | Aorta Gonad Mesonephros (embryonic region) |
AGM | Missile Range Instrumentation Ship |
AGM | Alternative Gift Market (various organizations) |
AGM | Ace Global Markets (UK) |
AGM | Area General Manager |
AGM | Air-to-surface Guided Missile |
AGM | Associate General Manager |
AGM | Artillery Gun Module (military equipment) |
AGM | Advanced Graphics Module |
AGM | Advanced Ground Mobile |
AGM | American Guild of Music (Warren, MI) |
AGM | Academia General Militar (Spanish Army) |
AGM | Association Genevoise des Malentendants |
AGM | Automatically Generated Message (software) |
AGM | Attack Guided Missile |
AGM | Angle-Grinder Man |
AGM | Attack Guidance Matrix |
AGM | Army Golden Master |
AGM | Annual Guidance Memorandum |
AGM | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Modellraketen Deutschland |
AGM | Animaux Génétiquement Modifiés (French: Genetically Modified Animals) |
AGM | Autonomous Guided Weapon |
AGM | Above Ground Marker (reference point) |
AGM | Agence Grand Massif (French trustee agency) |
AGM | Anti-Gravity Machine |
AGM | Agmultivision SRL (Milan, Italy) |
AGM | Above Gross Margin |
AGM | Analyse, Géométrie, Modélisation (French: Geometry, Modeling, Analysis) |