AGOArt Gallery of Ontario
AGOAttorney General's Office (State of Washington)
AGOAngola (ISO Country code)
AGOAmerican Guild of Organists
AGOAustralian Greenhouse Office
AGOAssembléia Geral Ordinária (Ordinary General Meeting; Brazil)
AGOAdjutant General's Office (USA)
AGOAttorney General Opinion
AGOAssicurazione Generale Obbligatoria (Italian: Mandatory General Insurance)
AGOAcquisition and Grants Office (US NOAA)
AGORichard Gilder Graduate School (American Museum of Natural History; New York)
AGOAustralian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation (Australia)
AGOAir Ground Operations
AGOAlpha Gamma Omega (Christian fraternity)
AGOAutomotive Gas Oil
AGOAgenzia Giornalistica Online (Italian: Journalistic Agency Online)
AGOAims, Goals, Objectives (education)
AGOArmygeddon (gaming clan)
AGOAccumulated Generating Operation
AGOArresting Gear Officer (US Navy)
AGOAutomated Geophysical Observatory
AGOArbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie eV (Munich, Germany)
AGOAdministrative Grant Officer
AGOArresting Gear Operator
AGOAmerican Gastroenterological Organization
AGOSantiago, Chile STDN Station
AGOAudit et Gestion Opérationnels (French: Audit and Operational Management; University of Lyon)
AGOAlpine Grand Ouest (French automobile association)