Acronym | Definition |
ATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (US Department of Justice) |
ATF | Automatic Transmission Fluid |
ATF | Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms |
ATF | Advanced Technology Fighter |
ATF | Alcohol Treatment Facility |
ATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms |
ATF | Against the Flow |
ATF | Activating Transcription Factor |
ATF | Attack the Future (Boise State sports; Boise, ID) |
ATF | All the Fundamentals (various organizations) |
ATF | Amount to Finance (loans) |
ATF | Around the Fur (Deftones album) |
ATF | Arab Thought Foundation |
ATF | American Track and Field (publication; Shooting Star Media, Inc.; Wisconsin) |
ATF | After the Fact |
ATF | Armored Task Force (warfare game simulation) |
ATF | AJAX Toolkit Framework |
ATF | Australian Task Force |
ATF | Aviation Turbine Fuel |
ATF | ASEAN Tourism Forum (annual travel convention) |
ATF | After the Fire (Band) |
ATF | Acquire the Fire |
ATF | Advanced Tactical Fighter |
ATF | After the Fall |
ATF | Adobe Transfer Functions |
ATF | Application Transparent Failover |
ATF | Advanced Title Format |
ATF | Automatic Transmission Fluids |
ATF | Ascii Text Format |
ATF | Autoload Overlay Trace Formatter |
ATF | Automatic Tracking Following |
ATF | Application Transport Failover |
ATF | Architecture Task Force |
ATF | Adobe Type Font |
ATF | AIDS Trust Fund (various organizations) |
ATF | Adirondack Theatre Festival (Glen Falls, NY) |
ATF | All Time Favorite |
ATF | All-Time Favorite |
ATF | Ancient Tree Forum (conservation) |
ATF | Fleet Ocean Tug |
ATF | Anti-Terrorist Force (fictional intelligence agency) |
ATF | Above The Fold (web/print advertising) |
ATF | Association des Tunisiens en France (French: Association of Tunisians in France) |
ATF | Amphibious Task Force |
ATF | Acoustic Transfer Function |
ATF | Arab Thought Forum (Palestine) |
ATF | As Trustee for (finance) |
ATF | American Type Foundry |
ATF | Arrived to Find |
ATF | Across the Fence |
ATF | Anterior Talofibular (ligament) |
ATF | Anti-Terrorism Financing (legislation) |
ATF | Air Task Force |
ATF | Atlantic Theatre Festival (Canada) |
ATF | French Southern and Antarctic Lands (ISO Country code) |
ATF | Agricultural Task Force (various locations) |
ATF | Automatic Track Finding |
ATF | Associate Technical Fellow (various organizations) |
ATF | All Things Fresh (website) |
ATF | Association Technique de Fonderie (French: Foundry Technical Association) |
ATF | ALMA Test Facility (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) |
ATF | Advanced Technology Fractionator (SeQual) |
ATF | Australian Temporary Fencing |
ATF | Aviation Task Force |
ATF | All Time Finest |
ATF | Albuquerque Teachers Federation |
ATF | Articulation Task Force (Arizona State University) |
ATF | Automatic Track Following |
ATF | All Too Flat |
ATF | Automatic Terrain Following |
ATF | Absolute Terror Field |
ATF | Auxiliary Tug, Fleet (Auxiliary Fleet Tug) |
ATF | Anti-Tenure Factor |
ATF | Across the Flat (geometry) |
ATF | Asynchronous Transmit FIFO |
ATF | Acceptance Test Facility |
ATF | Architecture Textile Française (French textile company) |
ATF | Administrative Task Force |
ATF | Astrometric Telescope Facility |
ATF | Allied Tactical Force |
ATF | Aerodrome Traffic Frequencies |
ATF | Animation Trace File |
ATF | Advanced Targeting FLIR (US DoD) |
ATF | Aircraft Torque Factor |
ATF | Area-Time-Integral |
ATF | Autonomous Thruster Facilities |
ATF | Adaptive Tracking Filter |
ATF | Amicale Tricyclecariste de France (French tricycle car club) |
ATF | Air to Torpedo Fire Control |
ATF | Atari Talk Forum (computer forum) |
ATF | Automatic Target Follow |
ATF | Automated Target Folder |
ATF | Audit Transfer Files |
ATF | Area to Free (Cisco) |
ATF | Automatic Test Format |
ATF | AUTOVON Test Facility |
ATF | Average Transaction Frequency (credit) |
ATF | Alternate Treatment Facility |
ATF | Automatic Test Facility |
ATF | Aquatics Training Facility (US Army) |
ATF | Automatic Tracking Feature |