VOMVolt-Ohm-Meter (electronic measuring instrument)
VOMVoice of the Martyrs
VOMVoice of the Member (various organizations)
VOMVolunteer of the Month
VOMVendor of the Month (various organizations)
VOMVeil of Maya (band)
VOMValley of the Moon Scottish Fiddling School (San Francisco, CA)
VOMVereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen (Dutch: Association for Surface Material Techniques)
VOMVeterinary Orthopedic Manipulation
VOMValue of Originating Material (trade)
VOMVerification of Mortgage
VOMVoice of Music
VOMVariable Operations and Maintenance
VOMVehicle Order Management
VOMVoice of Management
VOMVehicle Office Mobile
VOMVisitor Operations Manager
VOMVereinigung Osterreichischer Milchverarbeiter (German: Austrian Dairy Association)
VOMVerband Österreichischer Müntenzhändler (Vienna, Austria)
VOMVirtual Operational Missile