Acronym | Definition |
VOM | Volt-Ohm-Meter (electronic measuring instrument) |
VOM | Voice of the Martyrs |
VOM | Voice of the Member (various organizations) |
VOM | Volunteer of the Month |
VOM | Vendor of the Month (various organizations) |
VOM | Veil of Maya (band) |
VOM | Valley of the Moon Scottish Fiddling School (San Francisco, CA) |
VOM | Vereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen (Dutch: Association for Surface Material Techniques) |
VOM | Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation |
VOM | Value of Originating Material (trade) |
VOM | Verification of Mortgage |
VOM | Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter |
VOM | Voice of Music |
VOM | Variable Operations and Maintenance |
VOM | Vehicle Order Management |
VOM | Voice of Management |
VOM | Vehicle Office Mobile |
VOM | Visitor Operations Manager |
VOM | Vereinigung Osterreichischer Milchverarbeiter (German: Austrian Dairy Association) |
VOM | Verband Österreichischer Müntenzhändler (Vienna, Austria) |
VOM | Virtual Operational Missile |