Acronym | Definition |
WTF | What The Freak (polite form) |
WTF | World Taekwondo Federation |
WTF | What If |
WTF | Where's the Food |
WTF | Words to Follow |
WTF | What the Flip |
WTF | Where's the Fun |
WTF | Welcome to Family |
WTF | Well That's Funny |
WTF | What the Fist |
WTF | Where's the Fire? |
WTF | What's the Focus? |
WTF | Work Time Fun (PSP game) |
WTF | Went to France |
WTF | What the Fudge |
WTF | Wipe the Floor |
WTF | Win the Future |
WTF | Wardrobe Trends Fashion (lifestyle magazine) |
WTF | What's the Formula |
WTF | Wednesday Thursday Friday |
WTF | Water the Flowers |
WTF | What's the Frequency? |
WTF | Wikileaks Task Force (US CIA) |
WTF | Well, That's Fantastic |
WTF | World Tour Finals (tennis) |
WTF | World Trade Fair (various organizations) |
WTF | Walk to Freedom (US Army) |
WTF | White Trash Family |
WTF | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot |
WTF | Where's the Faith |
WTF | We Talk Funny |
WTF | Who's That Flying? (gaming) |
WTF | Who's the Fool? |
WTF | Wild Turkey Federation |
WTF | When They Fall (band) |
WTF | Women's Track and Field |
WTF | Wait Til Friday |
WTF | Worse Than Failure |
WTF | What the Fish |
WTF | Williamstown Theatre Festival |
WTF | Way To Fail |
WTF | What the Frak? (Battlestar Galactica) |
WTF | Will to Fight |
WTF | Where's the Fries |
WTF | Water-Table Fluctuation (groundwater) |
WTF | Wasn't That Funny |
WTF | Why the Face? |
WTF | Way to Fly |
WTF | Why the Failure |
WTF | Welcome to Facebook (satire) |
WTF | Werewolf: the Forsaken (gaming) |
WTF | Worst to First (Connecticut maternity compaign) |
WTF | Write to File |
WTF | Western Task Force (US Navy) |
WTF | When's the Funeral |
WTF | Waking the Fallen (Avenged Sevenfold album) |
WTF | Wow, That's Fantastic (chat slang) |
WTF | What To Fix |
WTF | What's This For? |
WTF | Welcome to Finland |
WTF | Where's the Food? |
WTF | Women Take Flight |
WTF | Who the Freak? (polite form) |
WTF | What the French Toast? |
WTF | Words That Follow (online game) |
WTF | Waste Treatment Facility |
WTF | Why The Freak (polite form) |
WTF | Where the Freak (polite form) |
WTF | Whack the Flamingo |
WTF | Wire Transfer Form (payment) |
WTF | When The Freak (polite form) |
WTF | Weekly Top Five |
WTF | What the FAQ? |
WTF | Water Task Force |
WTF | Why the Frown? |
WTF | Welcome to Fun |
WTF | World Trade Federation |
WTF | Where's the Fridge? |
WTF | Where's The Fish? |
WTF | Where's the File (software) |
WTF | Wireless Telecommunications Facility |
WTF | What the February |
WTF | Witendofi (website) |
WTF | Why These Finalists |
WTF | Weapons Tactics Force (gaming) |
WTF | Wow, That's Fun! (chat slang) |
WTF | World Tennis Federation |
WTF | Wrestling Takedown Federation (TV episode title; South Park) |
WTF | Warcraft Text File (World of Warcraft) |
WTF | We the Fools (radio show) |
WTF | Weapons Task Force (gaming) |
WTF | Wisconsin Test Facility |
WTF | Warsaw Transatlantic Forum (Warsaw, Poland) |
WTF | What the Fruitcake |
WTF | Washington Tennis Foundation |
WTF | Watergate Task Force |
WTF | Well and Truly Freaked (polite form) |
WTF | What's This Foolishness |
WTF | Where's the Flow |
WTF | Woodson Track and Field (Virginia) |
WTF | Windowed Time Facility (Apple) |