Acronym | Definition |
WCP | Washington City Paper (Washington, DC) |
WCP | World Class Performance |
WCP | West Coast Paper (various locations) |
WCP | World Congress of Philosophy (International Federation of Philosophical Societies) |
WCP | Web Control Panel |
WCP | Windows Control Panel |
WCP | Wellfleet Compression Protocol |
WCP | Whole Chromosome Paint |
WCP | World Climate Programme (WMO) |
WCP | Works Cited Page (education) |
WCP | WIN-T (Warfighter Information Network-Tactical) Communications Payload |
WCP | Wireless Communications Professional (certification) |
WCP | Workers' Compensation Program |
WCP | World Cycling Productions (Saint Paul, MN) |
WCP | Web Characterization Project (OCLC) |
WCP | Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering (law firm; various locations) |
WCP | World Certified Professional (accreditation) |
WCP | West Country Publishing (UK) |
WCP | Workday Cloud Platform (computing) |
WCP | Westport Country Playhouse (Westport, CT) |
WCP | Wing Commander Prophecy |
WCP | Windows Code Page (Microsoft Windows) |
WCP | Weekly Coal Production (report; US Department of Energy) |
WCP | Workers' Communist Party |
WCP | Work Conditioning Program |
WCP | Wisconsin Community Papers |
WCP | World Congress on Pain |
WCP | Windy City Paranormal (Illinios) |
WCP | Weapons Control Panel |
WCP | Wireless Capital Partners, LLC |
WCP | Wasteful Consumption Patterns (band) |
WCP | Wild Cherry Pepsi |
WCP | Weapons Collection Point |
WCP | Wing Command Post |
WCP | White-Capped Pionus (bird species; Pionus senilis) |
WCP | Water Column Pressure |
WCP | Writer Compensation Program ( |
WCP | What a Cool Place |
WCP | Who's Counting? Project (Orinda, CA) |
WCP | Warren Control Protocol (Home Area Networks) |
WCP | Weapons Control Processor |
WCP | Weather Chart Processor |
WCP | Water Closet Pedestal (see WC) |
WCP | Weapons Classification Defect |
WCP | World Class Practices |
WCP | Watershed Communications Plan |
WCP | Wing Center Panel |
WCP | Waste Collection Point |
WCP | Walter C. Parson (funeral direction; UK) |
WCP | Widow's or Widower's Contributory Pension (Ireland) |