VORVHF (Very High Frequency) Omni-directional Radio-range
VORVolvo Ocean Race
VORVoice of Reason
VORVerkehrsverbund Ost Region (German: Eastern Region Transport Association; Austria)
VORValue of Reserves
VORVestibulo-Ocular Reflex (ophthalmology)
VORVendor of Record (Canada)
VORVoice Operated Recording
VORVisions of Reality
VORVHF Omnidirectional Range
VORVestibular Ocular Reflex
VORVariation Order Request
VORVerification of Rent (rent-payment history verification)
VORVehicle Off Road (urgent repair status)
VORVehicle Occupancy Rate
VORVoice Operated Recorder
VORVoice-Operated Relay
VORVoice of the Retarded, Inc.
VORVisual Operating Restriction