WPCWhey Protein Concentrate
WPCWestern Pennsylvania Conservancy (Pittsburgh, PA)
WPCWater Polo Club (various locations)
WPCWashington Publishing Company (Seattle, WA)
WPCWood-Plastic Composite
WPCWestminster Presbyterian Church (Wilmington, DE)
WPCWorld Parkinson Congress (Parkinson's disease)
WPCWatts Per Channel
WPCWater Pollution Control
WPCWhite Powder Coat (product feature)
WPCWorld Poultry Congress (World's Poultry Science Association)
WPCWindows Parental Control
WPCWorldwide Partner Conference
WPCWeb Programmer Certified
WPCWeb Proxy Client
WPCWeb Page Creator
WPCWrite Permission Cache
WPCWrite Pre Compensating
WPCWireless Pcmcia
WPCWhite Portland Cement
WPCWeb Page Composer (software)
WPCWorld Petroleum Congress
WPCWorld Peace Council
WPCWest Point Club (New York)
WPCWorld Pool Championship
WPCWorld Partner Conference
WPCWashington Post Company
WPCWatts Per Cell (batteries)
WPCWoman Police Constable
WPCWorld Prayer Center (various locations)
WPCPatrol Craft (United States Coast Guard)
WPCWhite Pine County (Nevada)
WPCWomen's Political Council (Montgomery, Alabama, 1946)
WPCWorld Pizza Champions
WPCWindows Parental Control (software)
WPCWarrior Preparation Center
WPCWireless Personal Communications
WPCWatt Pulse Communication (powerline communication chip; WATTECO SAS)
WPCWorld Product Centre (New York, NY)
WPCWilliam Paterson College (Wayne, NJ)
WPCWestern Provincial Council
WPCWestern Power Corporation (Australia)
WPCWireless Planning and Coordination Wing (India)
WPCWorld Puzzle Championships
WPCWheeling Pittsburgh Corporation (West Virginia and Pennsylvania)
WPCWashington Poison Center (Seattle, WA)
WPCWrite Precompensation
WPCWrittle Parish Council (UK)
WPCWord Processing Center
WPCWelfare Policy Center (Hudson Institute)
WPCWorld Population Conference
WPCWaldorf Parent Council (Canada)
WPCWisdom, Power, Courage (Triforce)
WPCWaste Policy Center
WPCWestinghouse Process Control
WPCWebroot Parental Controls
WPCWatts Per Candle
WPCWestern Processing Center (USACE, Portland)
WPCWashington Planning Center
WPCWave Particle Correlator
WPCWebSphere Process Choreographer (IBM)
WPCWork Package Concept
WPCWorkshop on Pervasive Computing
WPCWork Performance Category
WPCWeapons Programs Control
WPCWorld Poker Clinic (website)
WPCWestern Polymer Corporation (Moses Lake, Washington)
WPCWorkstation Processing Center (ATWCS)
WPCWar Preparations Center