Acronym | Definition |
WPC | Whey Protein Concentrate |
WPC | Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (Pittsburgh, PA) |
WPC | Water Polo Club (various locations) |
WPC | Washington Publishing Company (Seattle, WA) |
WPC | Wood-Plastic Composite |
WPC | Westminster Presbyterian Church (Wilmington, DE) |
WPC | World Parkinson Congress (Parkinson's disease) |
WPC | Watts Per Channel |
WPC | Water Pollution Control |
WPC | White Powder Coat (product feature) |
WPC | World Poultry Congress (World's Poultry Science Association) |
WPC | Windows Parental Control |
WPC | Worldwide Partner Conference |
WPC | Web Programmer Certified |
WPC | Web Proxy Client |
WPC | Web Page Creator |
WPC | Write Permission Cache |
WPC | Write Pre Compensating |
WPC | Wireless Pcmcia |
WPC | White Portland Cement |
WPC | Web Page Composer (software) |
WPC | World Petroleum Congress |
WPC | World Peace Council |
WPC | West Point Club (New York) |
WPC | World Pool Championship |
WPC | World Partner Conference |
WPC | Washington Post Company |
WPC | Watts Per Cell (batteries) |
WPC | Woman Police Constable |
WPC | World Prayer Center (various locations) |
WPC | Patrol Craft (United States Coast Guard) |
WPC | White Pine County (Nevada) |
WPC | Women's Political Council (Montgomery, Alabama, 1946) |
WPC | World Pizza Champions |
WPC | Windows Parental Control (software) |
WPC | Warrior Preparation Center |
WPC | Wireless Personal Communications |
WPC | Watt Pulse Communication (powerline communication chip; WATTECO SAS) |
WPC | World Product Centre (New York, NY) |
WPC | William Paterson College (Wayne, NJ) |
WPC | Western Provincial Council |
WPC | Western Power Corporation (Australia) |
WPC | Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing (India) |
WPC | World Puzzle Championships |
WPC | Wheeling Pittsburgh Corporation (West Virginia and Pennsylvania) |
WPC | Washington Poison Center (Seattle, WA) |
WPC | Write Precompensation |
WPC | Writtle Parish Council (UK) |
WPC | Word Processing Center |
WPC | Welfare Policy Center (Hudson Institute) |
WPC | World Population Conference |
WPC | Waldorf Parent Council (Canada) |
WPC | Wisdom, Power, Courage (Triforce) |
WPC | Waste Policy Center |
WPC | Westinghouse Process Control |
WPC | Webroot Parental Controls |
WPC | Watts Per Candle |
WPC | Western Processing Center (USACE, Portland) |
WPC | Washington Planning Center |
WPC | Wave Particle Correlator |
WPC | WebSphere Process Choreographer (IBM) |
WPC | Work Package Concept |
WPC | Workshop on Pervasive Computing |
WPC | Work Performance Category |
WPC | Weapons Programs Control |
WPC | World Poker Clinic (website) |
WPC | Western Polymer Corporation (Moses Lake, Washington) |
WPC | Workstation Processing Center (ATWCS) |
WPC | War Preparations Center |