Acronym | Definition |
WTP | Water Treatment Plant |
WTP | Willingness To Pay |
WTP | We the People |
WTP | Web Tools Platform (Eclipse) |
WTP | Winnie The Pooh |
WTP | What's the Plan? |
WTP | What’s the Play |
WTP | Worker Training Program (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) |
WTP | Wireless Trusted Platform |
WTP | Web Tools Platform |
WTP | Wireless Transfer Protocol |
WTP | Web to Phone |
WTP | Waste Treatment Plant |
WTP | Wireless Transaction Protocol |
WTP | Warning Track Power (baseball) |
WTP | Who the Plug (est. 2016) |
WTP | Whiteford Taylor Preston (law firm; Baltimore, MD) |
WTP | What's the Point? |
WTP | Wholesale to Public |
WTP | White Trash Party (Eminem song) |
WTP | Windows Troubleshooting Platform (Microsoft) |
WTP | What's the Problem? |
WTP | World Tavern Poker |
WTP | Who's That Pokémon? (gaming) |
WTP | Wildlife Tree Patch |
WTP | World Trade Press (Petaluma, CA) |
WTP | WebSphere Transcoding Publisher (IBM) |
WTP | Washington Transportation Plan |
WTP | Wilderness Therapy Program |
WTP | Wireless Transport Protocol |
WTP | Worldwide Trip Protector |
WTP | Wealth Transfer Planning (software) |
WTP | Worth the Pain (band) |
WTP | Workgroup Technology Partners (Maine) |
WTP | Wireless Termination Point |
WTP | World Tree Project |
WTP | Witchcraft Tape Products, Inc. |
WTP | What the Poop? |
WTP | Wait Time Priority |
WTP | Weapon Target Pairing |
WTP | Write to Programmer |
WTP | Wainuiomata Trail Project (New Zealand) |
WTP | Wholesale Tractor Parts |
WTP | Weapon Task Plan |
WTP | Wing Tip Pod |
WTP | Wish to Prove (math) |
WTP | WayTooPersonals (website) |
WTP | What the Pancake? |
WTP | Weekly Training Plan |
WTP | Wellesley Tudor Pole (UK spiritualist) |
WTP | |