Acronym | Definition |
WTW | Willis Towers Watson (various locations) |
WTW | Welfare-To-Work |
WTW | What's the Word (education) |
WTW | Wissenschaftlich Technische Werkstätten (German: Scientific Technical Institute) |
WTW | Walk the Walk |
WTW | Worth the Wait |
WTW | Well to Wheels |
WTW | Water Treatment Works |
WTW | Well-To-Wheels (hybrid electric vehicle) |
WTW | Walk this Way |
WTW | Work, Training and Welfare (University of Milan; Italy) |
WTW | Woman to Woman (Boston) |
WTW | Walk Through Walls (glitch in a video game) |
WTW | Wellness Tourism Worldwide (various locations) |
WTW | Waste to Wealth (Institute for Local Self-Reliance) |
WTW | Watamu Turtle Watch (Kenya) |
WTW | Wafer to Wafer (variation) |
WTW | What the World (Internet slang) |
WTW | Warmte Terug Winning |
WTW | W.T.Woodson High School (Fairfax, Virginia) |
WTW | Wild Turkey Wednesday |
WTW | Wheel to Wheel (automotive) |
WTW | Wildlife Trusts Wales |
WTW | What the What? (Internet slang) |
WTW | Wrestle The World (Tom & Terry Brands, Iowa City, IA, USA) |
WTW | What the Waffle |