WISPWireless Internet Service Provider
WISPWNT1 Inducible Signaling Pathway (proteins)
WISPWireless Identification and Sensing Platform (radio frequency)
WISPWomen in Science Project (various schools)
WISPWritten Information Security Plan (various organizations)
WISPWeb Interface for Sharepoint
WISPWireless Security and Privacy (workshop)
WISPWNT1-Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein
WISPWinter Icing and Storms Project
WISPWheat Improvement Startegic Programme (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council)
WISPWriting Information Security Policies (Scott Barman book)
WISPWomen in Scholarly Publishing (Lawrence, KS)
WISPWindows Ink Services Platform (Microsoft)
WISPWartime Information Security Program
WISPWaves In Space Plasma
WISPWideband Infrared Scene Projector
WISPWorkstation Integrated Security Program
WISPWide-Issue Superscalar Processor
WISPWeather Internet Socket Protocol (USAF data transfer protocol)
WISPWebsite & Internet Security Program
WISPWorkload Information Scheduling Processor
WISPWeather Intercept Search Position
WISPWireless Switching Protocol (protocol used between a wireless switch and it's Access Ports)
WISPWidefield Imaging Survey Polarimeter
WISPWisconsin Investigators of Supernatural Phenomenon