Acronym | Definition |
WDA | Wireless Digital Assistant |
WDA | Workforce Development Area |
WDA | Workforce Development Agency (Singapore) |
WDA | Winchester Disk Assembly |
WDA | Welsh Development Agency (UK government) |
WDA | Wildlife Disease Association (Lawrence, KS) |
WDA | Wisconsin Dental Association |
WDA | Writing Down Allowance (tax; UK) |
WDA | Wyoming Department of Agriculture |
WDA | Warsaw Destination Alliance (Warsaw, Poland) |
WDA | Web Document Analysis |
WDA | Working Dog Association |
WDA | Wear Debris Analysis (oil analysis) |
WDA | Weight per Day of Age (livestock) |
WDA | Wrongful Death Act (law; various locations) |
WDA | Worldwide Dragonfly Association |
WDA | Web Database Application |
WDA | Wilson's Disease Association International (Wooster, Ohio) |
WDA | Wyoming Dental Association |
WDA | Worldwide Discipleship Association |
WDA | Working Days Adjusted |
WDA | Washington Department of Agriculture |
WDA | World Dragonfly Association |
WDA | Web Design Association (UK) |
WDA | Waukegan Downtown Association |
WDA | Warehouse and Distribution Agreement |
WDA | Weather Data Analysis Program |
WDA | Warringah Dressage Association (Sydney, Australia) |
WDA | Weapons Defended Area |
WDA | Withdrawal of Availability |
WDA | Weather Decision Aid |
WDA | Women Dispatchers in Aviation |
WDA | Wheathampstead Dance Academy (UK) |