WDIWorld Development Indicators (World Bank)
WDIWalt Disney Imagineering
WDIWilliam Davidson Institute
WDIWindows Diagnostic Infrastructure
WDIWood Destroying Insect (home inspections)
WDIWorkforce Development Institute (various organizations)
WDIWeb Design Ideas (resource)
WDIWebsphere Data Interchange
WDIWindows Diagnostics Infrastructure (Microsoft)
WDIWind Drift Indicator
WDIWorld Dynamic Investments, Inc. (Stockton, CA)
WDIWireless Data Infrastructure
WDIWar Department Intelligence (US DoD)
WDIWho Did It
WDIWeekly Disability Income
WDIWaterborne Diarrheal Illness
WDIWind Direction Instrument
WDIWeapons Delivery Impairment
WDIWho Dat? Inc. (New Orleans, LA)
WDIWorkplace Diversity Initiative (NIH)
WDIWorkforce Diversity Initiative (Sprint)
WDIWritten Description of the Invention (patent law)
WDIWeld Diameter Inch
WDIWestern Devcon, Inc (real estate developer)
WDIWarm Dry Intact (skin assessment)