Acronym | Definition |
VRM | Vendor Relationship Management |
VRM | Voltage Regulator Module |
VRM | Virtual Resource Manager (IBM) |
VRM | Virtual Resource Manager |
VRM | Virtual Reality Media |
VRM | Version Release Modification |
VRM | Virtual Real Mode |
VRM | Verification and Reporting Matrix |
VRM | Variable Rate Mortgage |
VRM | Vendor Resource Management |
VRM | Visual Resources Management (US DOI) |
VRM | Virtually Real Motocross (website) |
VRM | Vehicle Registration Mark |
VRM | Variable Range Marker |
VRM | Virtual Rights Management (VMware) |
VRM | Virtual Reference Monitoring (audio technology; Focusrite) |
VRM | Vehicle Relationship Management |
VRM | Vertical Roller Mill |
VRM | Valuation Risk Management (Veros Real Estate Solutions) |
VRM | Venus Radar Mapper |
VRM | Viscous Remanent Magnetization |
VRM | Value Reference Model (Value Chain Group) |
VRM | Valley Rescue Mission (Georgia) |
VRM | Virtual Reality Media (Trencin, Slovakia; est. 1992) |
VRM | Voice Recognition Module |
VRM | Virtual Relationship Marketing |
VRM | Virginia Richmond Mission |
VRM | Voltage-Regulator Model |
VRM | Vehicular Radio Modem (Motorola) |
VRM | Viet Nam Resident Mission |
VRM | Version Release Milestone |
VRM | Visitor Relation Management |
VRM | Vendor Refill Management (hardware vendor services; New Zealand) |
VRM | Virgin Raw Materials |
VRM | Vieilles Roues de Monteux (French vintage vehicle club) |
VRM | Voltage - Reverse Maximum (maximum voltage the diode can block) |